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Unlocking Serenity Amidst the Storm: The Transformative Power of Ujjayi Breath

March 18, 2024

March 18, 2024

This practice enhances concentration, promotes a meditative state, and helps regulate the body's internal temperature and blood pressure.

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Shayla's Story.....

If I didn't experience it, I wouldn't believe it. It's something cosmic, an energy that connects us somehow. I am a scientist and I can't explain it.

I have had about 10 sessions with Nigh so far. Unlike traditional coaching, I do very little work during the 90 min video chats. I feel so relaxed and open to change that I can feel anxiety and anger being released from my mind and body. That feeling lasts for days in so much that I react less often and less intensely to the everyday frustrations that used to ruin my days.

Most remarkably, without any effort on my part, my view on/position in my life changed so much that I wake up energized for the day; where I used to dread opening my eyes even on my days off. I finally feel present in the moment and a full participant in my life because Nigh has helped my super-conscience re-wire my brain.

I didn't realize until these sessions how much feeling I had attached to past traumas. Consciously, I would say I had a fairly trauma-free life, but Nigh gave me a way to visit early events to discover that some were actually big deals for me at the time. Within 90 mins or less, she was able to have me feel the event as just that, so that my present reactions to similar situations were appropriate.

I am less anxious, angry, and reactive at work and in my relationships because of my sessions with Nigh.
I would start every day with one of your sessions if I could.

Debra's Story.....

It’s my absolute pleasure to recommend Nigh Asu for helping you better your mind, body and soul.

I thoroughly enjoyed my time working with Nigh, and came to know her as a truly valuable asset to any person who wants to better oneself.  

She is honest, dependable, and incredibly hard-working. Beyond that, she is an impressive problem solver who is always able to address complex issues with strategy and confidence. Nigh is inspired by challenges, and never intimidated by them.

Her knowledge of mapping and expertise in how the mind and body works, was a huge advantage to my health, my mind and my body. She puts her skills set to work in order to increase my knowledge about oneself and helped me move forward in such a positive and healthy way.  I know Nigh was a huge piece of my own success.

Along with her undeniable talent, Nigh has always been an absolute pleasure to work with. She is a true team player, and always manages to foster positive discussions and bring the best out of other people.

Without a doubt, I confidently recommend Nigh to help in any issues you would like to address and work on. As a dedicated, knowledgeable person and an all-around great human being, I know, she will be a beneficial addition to your life and you will have the wow factor your looking for.

Please feel free to contact me at (604) 613-1249  should you like to discuss Nigh’s qualifications and expertise further. I’d be happy to expand on my recommendation.

Schedule a session with Nigh

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