
Nigh's Certifications

I've earned five coaching certifications over the past 16 years, each specializing in different areas

Health (wellbeing)

Life-desires-potentials and possibilities.

Master (advanced performance)

Transformational (self-actualization and deep psychological work)

MAP - neutralizing and rewiring the neural pathways

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Where I’m from

In the small towns of British Columbia, as the only Muslim girl, I faced unique challenges. Among these were the enduring impacts of narcissistic abusive relationships, which profoundly shaped my resilience.

🇨🇦 Born in Canda

🇹🇷 Lives in Türkiye

🌎 Changing the world

And here’s my story

Being a Canadian Turk in the quaint towns of BC, I felt like a fish out of water. My survival strategy? A collection of masks that rivaled a Hollywood makeup artist's portfolio. Resilience, or as some might call it, stubbornness and unapproachability, became my armor in a world that seemed determined to label me. Little did I know, those traits would be my saving grace.Imagine being the only Muslim female in a tiny Canadian town on an island. Spoiler alert: not as idyllic as it sounds. I became a master of disguise, building walls thicker than a medieval fortress. Enter my first love, and exit my heart when he cheated. Little did I know, this was just the beginning of a series of toxic relationships.The town couldn't contain my shattered dreams, so off to college I went, only for life to throw me a curveball - my mum's leukemia diagnosis.The pain was relentless, and my world continued to crumble.The world collapsed as I left everything to be by my mum’s side. Six months later, she left this world. Little did I know, fate had more in store. December 31, 1988, 6 months after my mom's passing, a day etched in my memory. Struck by two drunk drivers, every bone in my body broke, except my neck and back. Months of recovery, including learning to walk again, shaped the next phase of my journey. Depression and undiagnosed Complex PTSD followed, leading to a decision that, in hindsight, was a desperate cry for help—an ill-fated arranged marriage in Turkiye. A decision that led me to the depths of narcissistic abuse. A suicide attempt marked my lowest point, institutionalization my turning point. A second volatile marriage awaited me, filled with verbal, mental, and emotional abuse. Twelve years later, I mustered the courage to break free, putting my children and myself first. Fifteen years as a single parent, navigating the challenges of raising a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder. The first seven years were a battlefield, but as my kids grew, I faced a new challenge: rediscovering myself. Enter coaching, the beacon of light in my journey of self-discovery. Over six years, I accumulated five coaching certifications, each a stepping stone to my own rebirth…My Awakening!Fast forward to 2023, and my life has undergone a seismic shift. Leaving my job as a passenger screener during the tumultuous year of 2020 through COVID, I joined the MAP Coaching Institute. The decision to move to Turkiye unfolded a cascade of magical events. Now, as a coach, I've not only untangled myself from the clutches of narcissistic abuse but stand ready to guide others through their own metamorphosis."In the Nigh Zone."A space where women share experiences, healing, and transformation. As a Women's Empowerment Transformational Coach with the gift of Spirit Truths.As I reflect on this rollercoaster journey, I've come to realize that resilience, coupled with the power of transformation, can turn even the darkest moments into stepping stones. In the realm of: In the Nigh Zone, I now help women rise from the ashes, embracing their true selves and rewriting their narratives. The journey from turmoil to triumph, while not linear, has been nothing short of miraculous. In the Nigh Zone is not just a coaching space; it's a haven for those seeking healing, empowerment, and a profound shift from brokenness to strength and freedom.The story continues, and the evolution is boundless, full of possibilities and potential…With unlimited energy to explore the cosmos with whomever wants to join for the journey!

Being a Canadian Turk in the quaint towns of BC, I felt like a fish out of water. My survival strategy? A collection of masks that rivaled a Hollywood makeup artist's portfolio. Resilience, or as some might call it, stubbornness and unapproachability, became my armor in a world that seemed determined to label me. Little did I know, those traits would be my saving grace.

Imagine being the only Muslim female in a tiny Canadian town on an island. Spoiler alert: not as idyllic as it sounds. I became a master of disguise, building walls thicker than a medieval fortress. Enter my first love, and exit my heart when he cheated. Little did I know, this was just the beginning of a series of toxic relationships.

The town couldn't contain my shattered dreams, so off to college I went, only for life to throw me a curveball - my mum's leukemia diagnosis.

The pain was relentless, and my world continued to crumble.

The world collapsed as I left everything to be by my mum’s side. Six months later, she left this world. Little did I know, fate had more in store. December 31, 1988, 6 months after my mom's passing, a day etched in my memory. Struck by two drunk drivers, every bone in my body broke, except my neck and back. 

Months of recovery, including learning to walk again, shaped the next phase of my journey. Depression and undiagnosed Complex PTSD followed, leading to a decision that, in hindsight, was a desperate cry for help—an ill-fated arranged marriage in Turkiye. A decision that led me to the depths of narcissistic abuse. A suicide attempt marked my lowest point, institutionalization my turning point. 

A second volatile marriage awaited me, filled with verbal, mental, and emotional abuse. Twelve years later, I mustered the courage to break free, putting my children and myself first. 

Fifteen years as a single parent, navigating the challenges of raising a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder. The first seven years were a battlefield, but as my kids grew, I faced a new challenge: rediscovering myself. Enter coaching, the beacon of light in my journey of self-discovery. Over six years, I accumulated five coaching certifications, each a stepping stone to my own rebirth…My Awakening!

Fast forward to 2023, and my life has undergone a seismic shift. Leaving my job as a passenger screener during the tumultuous year of 2020 through COVID, I joined the MAP Coaching Institute. The decision to move to Turkiye unfolded a cascade of magical events. Now, as a coach, I've not only untangled myself from the clutches of narcissistic abuse but stand ready to guide others through their own metamorphosis.

"In the Nigh Zone."A space where women share experiences, healing, and transformation. As a Women's Empowerment Transformational Coach with the gift of Spirit Truths.

As I reflect on this rollercoaster journey, I've come to realize that resilience, coupled with the power of transformation, can turn even the darkest moments into stepping stones. In the realm of: In the Nigh Zone, I now help women rise from the ashes, embracing their true selves and rewriting their narratives. 

The journey from turmoil to triumph, while not linear, has been nothing short of miraculous. In the Nigh Zone is not just a coaching space; it's a haven for those seeking healing, empowerment, and a profound shift from brokenness to strength and freedom.

The story continues, and the evolution is boundless, full of possibilities and potential…

With unlimited energy to explore the cosmos with whomever wants to join for the journey!


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